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ohcanada Niagara Business Pittsburgh Trade Mission

Niagara Business Pittsburgh Trade Mission

I’ll be out of the shop for two days representing at the Niagara Business Pittsburgh Trade Mission, hosted by the Niagara Industrial Association.

It has been a while since I’ve been part of any Trade Mission so it will be fun to meet-up with heads from a broad spectrum of industry and government. I also look forward to meeting-up with a few people in Pittsburgh proper from my contacts in It’s amazing how many people use CNC equipment in their businesses and I look forward to seeing first hand how some cool stuff is made using them!

Today was my “pick stuff up and drop stuff off” day, shop has been busy engraving, cutting and building a bunch of neat stuff including doing some material testing for a company out of Taiwan, a few weeks back finished-up a project for a company out of Austria! When the slider on the homepage says Oh Canada! Based in Niagara, serving the world (literally)! I’m not kidding!

ohcanada Niagara Business Pittsburgh Trade Mission

Just wished I could post pictures of some of it here! Ah well, you’ll have to be content with seeing stuff that I scrounge-up around town. I completely understand why companies get nervous when somebody comes-in with a camera… I generally leave it at the front desk to put everybody at ease and it looks like that’s what I’ll have to do once I get bigger too!

Don’t have anything out of Pittsburgh yet, hopefully this Trade Mission changes that… we are more than ready!


If you want some cool stuff by the way for Christmas cut by, check-out the Kickstarter campaign by our sister company,