Your success is our success!
Put our top quality equipment to use for your custom project!
Put our top quality equipment to use for your custom project!
Are you considering taking the CNC laser leap in your production? The costs of the equipment and training required are one thing but do you have enough work to keep somebody employed full-time on your machine profitably? provides awesome...
In between a few projects with our Austrian CNC laser, I decided to grab a slab of 9 mm acrylic to do some material testing with. We may have a project that requires cutting big letters out of this material...
Formica is used heavily within the millworking industry, it's strong, resilient, glues great to MDF and pretty easy to work with whether you are using hand or power tools, CNC routers or CNC lasers. I've actually been wanting to...
It's incredible how much "scraps" some companies throw-out after a production process, I've come to see this as a valuable resource that can actually bring you more business and boost morale! The coffin lids shown in the image below were...
I've been so busy with cutting and engraving everything but CNC laser laminates that I decided to post a bunch of videos and pictures to show the possibilities of this very versatile material. Why use laminates? There are a number...
At a local networking event, I had a guy who was new to business ask me what is the best way to get business and win over potential clients. That's easy... MAKE THEM MONEY! We are all in business to...
There is no way around it, running a custom CNC laser shop requires a lot of material testing both as part of a spec work project submits along with a proposal and just to keep adding interesting laser (for...
A few days back it was Crayola being laser engraved and today it's a cedar shingle! Along with renovations comes new material to play around with using our Austrian CNC laser and I really liked the results I achieved with...
Laser engraving crayola is something you don't see too often but the results come out pretty good. Wax is a tough material to laser engrave because it tends to melt when heated up, so I grabbed some Crayola crayons that...
Laser cutting cardboard is even tougher to get right than paper. Why? Well, you can't mask it as the masking will rip some of the surface off! This means you have to get your power settings dead-on. Too much power,...
Pittsburgh PA was a great opportunity for me to get to know more about the manufacturing capabilities found both here locally and in the USA. I'm very happy I went and during that time, I came to the realization of...
I'll be out of the shop for two days representing at the Niagara Business Pittsburgh Trade Mission, hosted by the Niagara Industrial Association. It has been a while since I've been part of any Trade Mission so it will...
On some projects, I end-up with some interesting scrap pieces that I tend to keep without any purpose in mind other than lighting the bond fire out back (if it's wood) but in this case, a few scraps from...