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wp_20150924_14_27_41_pro Bye-Bye Social Media Links!

Bye-Bye Social Media Links!

Alright, new year, new thinking… right? Well, I’ll be publishing some videos and blog posts that never made it “live” during the transition to the new shop for various reasons in this week then going onto all new things. So, old laser video with me talking in the new shop. Will be fun!

wp_20151126_14_37_44_pro Bye-Bye Social Media Links!

Part of my new year resolution was to simplify my life, the best way to do so is to say bye-bye to social media. I have friends who swear the ROI from this is awesome but through the years, it’s been a case of drastically diminishing rewards. How bad have things gotten? Well, I “like” Torchmate, ShopBot and a host of other companies, I use to get regular updates from them… thinking back though, I CANNOT REMEMBER ONE POSTING FROM THESE COMPANIES that I’ve seen in my FaceBook “timeline” page.

These are companies I WANT to keep in touch with, yet, I never see their stuff… even when they pay for me to see it. So, if these massive companies can’t get me to see their stuff in my timeline, what’s the point of me wasting my time doing a fraction of what they are?

So, FB and the bird that sends endless spam are out of the shop, I am leaving linked-in and YouTube though, those DO provide value! Part of business ROI is optimizing what works and dropping what doesn’t… I’ve gone to more networking events I can even imagine over the past year, the general consensus, social media doesn’t work for B2B unless you spend lots of money and even then, it’s dubious at best.

wp_20151126_14_37_44_pro Bye-Bye Social Media Links!

Now that “social media” or what I like to call “negative ROI” is out of my life, I can concentrate on what does work and bring opportunity to the business, meeting people, pressing the flesh and solving real problems for our clients.

The truth about social media, in my opinion, is that it’s a great way to spend a lot of time doing very little… it’s like watching TV, you feel satisfied you learned a lot but at the end of the day, you didn’t actually learn much useful information… compared to if you DID something with that time.

I know this website is in need of an overhaul, I’ll get around to it sometime this year, until then, my goal is to keep filling this site up with great content to make your imagination run wild. There is so much to share with our readers and customers alike… don’t “like” us, bookmark the blog and visit us often!