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Category: Wood Products
I know cardboard is plentiful and boring right? Wrong... this is a CNC laser engraving and cutting cardboard extravaganza! Let's dive deeper across a whole bunch of different types of cardboard and layouts to show you the versatility we...
After years (decades?) of designing and working with completely custom CNC projects across a variety of industries, I tend to forget how formidable to some people the possibility of doing anything they can imagine really is. Most things in life...
I guess has a few cylinders firing at the moment and one of them is custom CNC laser cut stencils, so let's take a closer look at stencils and the precision we are bringing to the market in this...
Using a CNC laser to engrave a wooden cottage on wood is one of the many things we can do here at Before we go down the road of how this came into being, let's take a look at...
It was Mother's Day a little while back, here are the Happy Mother's Day acrylic coaster I made for mine at We finished-up a big signage job using 3 mm acrylic as one of the elements in it (inlay) and...
As blogged about earlier, has in-house capabilities to create awesome custom Delrin Seals of pretty much any size, since then, I've put that same one I made months ago through its paces by branding our mailouts. I had some...
Sir Richard Branson, one of the few entrepreneurs who admits how much luck, not just hard work and brains, got him to where he is at today. It's time to honor him by cutting him out with our Austrian CNC...
One of more fascinating aspects of running, a custom CNC laser cutting and engraving, is that the same machine that cuts through 3/4 inch laminate can also delicately cut through even the thinnest paper or satin without causing any... makes sample packs for potential and existing customer using materials and processes that are as efficient as possible as we do not do any form of advertising. We go after the best clients and in turn, the best clients...
Wood, both solid and engineered, is among the easiest materials to work with when it comes to CNC laser and router applications but the process behind what is actually happening isn't as it seems. Let's dive in deeper! Our large...
A while back I designed one of my childhood dream vehicles, a Big Wheels. I decided while I was in Australia to actually cut it out with our ShopBot Desktop and drive it around. When I moved back to Canada...
A little while back, I did a cowboy inspired plywood sign (see blog article HERE) and made a mental note to come back to that when I had time to do as I suggested at the end of the article,...