CNC Fiber Marking Anodized Aluminium
Since getting our fiber specific lens a few months back here at, we’ve done a lot of fiber marking and by far my most favorite to do this with is Anodized Aluminium as it comes in endless colors (as well and shapes, thicknesses and sizes).

When it comes to fiber marking anodized aluminium, you get white regardless of color results so mix and match!
As part of our samples, each of our potential clients gets a piece of anodized aluminium, about the size of a business card, with CNC fiber marking on both sides. I think it’s important for customers to touch and feel what we are able to do and anodized aluminium isn’t one of those materials that you knowingly appreciate until you’ve had it in your hands.

These are two sided cards we hand out as samples to potential clients, the “front” has the lightbulb while the back has the Canadian maple leaf.
Due to the fact that we have both tubes (CO2 and fiber) in the same machine, an Austrian Speedy 400 flexx, we could easily engrave into this anodized aluminium using our CO2 laser tube but that’s not how we roll here. We have a fiber laser tube and a highly optimized fiber lens and we use that instead! Why? The results are spectacular!
Doing this engraving with a CO2 laser tube produces a good result, that’s what we did before getting our fiber lens, but using a fiber marking process instead of CO2 engraving process produces a whiter result. It’s slower but you can noticeably see the difference and at, if we can make something look better, even if it takes longer, it’s worth it! That’s part of the ROI in our name, using the absolute best technology to produce the most attractive results possible given any material!
It’s also quite rare that our clients actually need to have something annealed, marked, etched or engraved on both sides of material so it’s nice to be able to show a sample of this to get their wheels spinning as to the possibilities we can provide. Using a jig, producing on both sides of anything is quite easy… if you have a highly precise machine, otherwise, you end-up with an absolute mess.

Flip it around and time to fiber laser mark the other side! Order of the cards doesn’t matter as our results are consistent.
Surprisingly, you can just as clearly read the text and get the same resolution regardless of color. You’d think the lighter colors like the “gold” would be harder to read, it isn’t. With fiber marking, you get a white result while with CO2, you get an off-white colored look. You still get a little of this with fiber but it’s dramatically lessened.
We keep in stock a variety of anodized aluminium plates, from pink, red and green to gold, blue and black. If we don’t have a color you like, we can also get blank aluminium plate powder coated or anodized (your choice) to any color you require.
Looking at the anodized aluminium plate being fiber marked from another angle, you can see that for us, having the fastest machine in the marketplace produces some photographic challenges when it comes to getting the laser head in focus!
As always, we got a video to show you how the above was done, enjoy! Again, the fiber marking was done on both sides of the same card.
Looking for a company that can fiber laser mark your anodized aluminium? is here to help! Give us a call or send us a message using the form on the right.

CNC fiber annealing on the left, CNC fiber marking on the right.