Your success is our success!
Put our top quality equipment to use for your custom project!
joncnckingtrike Coming Soon

Coming Soon

It has long been my dream to get into manufacturing, I started on the sidelines by developing on-demand books and CNC projects – I’m so happy to have this long-standing goal of mine finally coming together using top of the line, industry leading machinery. is an interesting name that took me a bit of time to come-up with… ROI in French means King – so it’s the perfect translation to personalize my other site and ROI in English means Return on Investment which is exactly why our tag line is “Focused on your Bottom Line”. I wished I could say I was so smart to come about this co-incidence myself but it only took 6 years to figure this out!

joncnckingtrike-640x549 Coming Soon

My passion started with designing on-demand laser cut toys for kids around the world, it was and continues to be a fun area for me to explore and I then got into CNC routers, 3D printers and CNC plasma cutters as well… each material and each CNC machine has a specific tolerance and capability. I noticed that not many shops actually understood this or got stuck in a specific field without looking out at what else was possible for their machines – for instance, most trophy shops have a CNC router and some a CNC laser but their capabilities are incredibly limited.

My goal with is to use my skills to help companies and individuals with incredibly highly accurate renderings, manufacturing and on-demand cutting services… something that I see great demand in if done well by somebody who has industry knowledge at first as an outsider looking in then an insider in the trenches of entrepreneurship! I love this industry, I’ve published books and made hundreds of videos showing people how awesome this stuff is – sharing my passion is something I really enjoy!