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custom-guitar-templates-x9-848x400 Custom Guitar Templates: CNC Router'ed MDF

Custom Guitar Templates: CNC Router’ed MDF

Custom guitar templates at can be made using any material, from metal to plastic and even wood!

Why would somebody want or need custom guitar templates? It saves a tremendous amount of time and removes the need to do endless measurements to create a guitar.

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The custom guitar templates can be made to tremendously speed-up production of your own design, acoustical, bass or even electric.

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These custom guitar templates were made using quarter inch MDF because the customer is a low volume provider, but has a lot of options so making many cost-effectively was more important than making these out of metal that can be used thousands of time with no wear on the template itself.

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Custom templates can be made out of any material, with, you got lots of options! can of course make custom guitar templates at any thickness but generally, quarter inch is about the sweet spot when it comes to going along the templates with a hand-held powered CNC router.

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The main advantage of having guitar templates is you can design your own guitar however you wish and we can cut it out… and right off the bat, whether you need one or thousands, you can almost instantly go into production using them in an incredibly efficient manner at your shop.

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Custom guitar templates have no design limitations, if something is too fine for our CNC router to cut out because the details are too fine, we can just switch gears at and cut them using our CNC laser.

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Using waterjet cutting for metal templates allows for tight tolerance work that isn’t possible using any other tool.

I really enjoy making these custom guitar templates, the creativity on display is amazing and the possibilities, from weird to wonderful shapes and multiple layered designs.

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I really love my CNC router – my ShopBot PRS Alpha is an absolute beast of a machine, the biggest and heaviest we have at to date, it seamlessly dances over the MDF and cuts out amazing products for our customers.

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The yellow you see in the above picture is what is going to be cut out from the MDF while the red lines are the paths that the ShopBot is taking to cut out holes and inner pockets from this material.

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Templates are useful for a wide variety of applications, from table and chairs to words and numbers.

Like the laser, you generally want to cut out all the inside parts first followed by the outside parts because this greatly reduces the possibility of things moving and going out of spec, reducing or eliminating precision errors.

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You can see what the finished custom guitar templates look like in the above picture and then once that batch was done, we move right away to making more with our CNC router.

custom-guitar-templates-1 Custom Guitar Templates: CNC Router'ed MDF has no volume limits, whether you wish to have one custom guitar template or a thousand, we can make them for you and ship them right to your door!

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Big jobs, crazy big jobs… no problem for!

The power of CNC machines is the absolute repeatability possible, this means whether you need one or millions of templates, all the same or different, the first will be cut just as accurately as the last, regardless of the part complexity or material specs of choice.

custom-guitar-templates-1 Custom Guitar Templates: CNC Router'ed MDF cut quite a few custom guitar templates in this production run, even though each and every one is different in design – our CNC router doesn’t care and love to chip all the wood we feed to it.

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In this specific job, the customer will be using a hand router to cut out the silhouettes and take out the pockets on the inside part but if you wanted the template itself with additional details for identification so you know which templates is which or specific instructions required, we can laser or router them right onto the template.

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When it comes to the creativity you can put into your templates, they are endless.

MDF is a rather dusty material, as such, has a powerful dust extraction system which quickly sucks it away from both the job and from the air all around our amazing CNC router.

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I’m rather proud of how much work I can still get out the door at considering the renovations to the shop happening all around these machines as we make room for more machines, production hasn’t skipped a beat!

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Take a look at the custom guitar template below, imagine trying to do this type of work without a template… that’s the power that offers you when it comes to efficient production of your parts.

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Below is another bunch of custom guitar templates we made, even the holes for screw location were made!

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Need custom guitar templates? Contact right now!