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anodized-tags-xx-848x400 Custom Industrial Anodized Aluminium Tags: Laser Cut and Engraved

Custom Industrial Anodized Aluminium Tags: Laser Cut and Engraved

Custom industrial anodized aluminium tags made by can be customized however you wish, from size to thickness.

The first step involved with making these custom industrial anodized aluminium tags is to laser cut them out to the sizing that the customer required them to be made at.

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There are two colors involved with this project, smaller tags for labeling a control panel are black while the emergency stop ones are bright red.

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The wonderful aspect of being able to laser cut the sheet of anodized aluminium to any shape requires is that it can be done relatively cost-effectively in small volumes where stamping doesn’t make sense due to the cost of the dye required to start initial production.

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The other advantage, though not one taken for this project, is that could have cut each one of these custom industrial anodized aluminium tags differently, they don’t need to be all the same, though for this project, they were.

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The nice thing about laser cutting aluminium is that there is a ver small kerf, so very little dross is present on the bottom from the laser cutting and unlike waterjet cutting, the surface isn’t disturbed and in one solid piece. can also fabricate custom panels to fit over your panels, cut and etched to your specs, if anodized aluminium tags don’t suit your requirements.

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There are a lot of machine tag options when you realize this is one of the methods uses to make custom industrial anodized aluminium tags.

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What’s interesting about this project is no time do any of the machines that are making these custom industrial anodized aluminium tags actually touch them, it’s just energy shooting down from the head of the laser to either cut them out or laser engrave them at

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Lasers perform amazing work, especially thin anodized aluminium sheets while for thicker products that fabricates, we generally move things over to plasma or even waterjet cutting.

Of course, if you wanted custom tags made out of lamacoids instead of metal, we can make those too at, in some applications, this is a superior choice.

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All metal is recyclable, so there is nothing wasted in the production of these custom industrial anodized aluminium tags, it goes right to the metal recycler and down the line, these tags along with their engravings can do the same once their use is no longer required.

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The laser cutting out these custom industrial anodized aluminium tags is 2 kw fiber while the laser engraving these is a 120 W CO2 and 30 W fiber, these lower power lasers are interchangeable, it just depends on speed and what needs to be engraved in what quantities when it comes to deciding which route to take.

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As these tags are going onto control panels, the possible scratching that can occur on the bottom side due to the roughness of the laser table doesn’t really matter, it does happen, but will be hidden from sight once applied.

If you are wondering how the “same” design done on a lamacoid vs anodized aluminiu, the above logo will give you an idea… of course, we can also etch stainless steel with the same design. has incredible synergies that allow you to mix and match different platforms to get the optimal results for your requirements.

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After all the custom industrial anodized aluminium tags are cut by, the next step is to begin the process of laser engraving them all, for this, we use both our galvo 30 W fiber laser (for the red ones) and our 120 W CO2 laser (for the black ones).

Not having a gantry allows these emergency stop buttons to be laser engraved faster than our gantry based laser, and for anodized aluminium, either laser source does essentially the same thing so can use them interchangeably.

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When it comes to long parts, or multiple sets of parts, it’s more efficient to use‘s gantry based laser, it does quick work of the anodizing jut how the customer wanted it.

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Of course, we can also make tags that you tack weld or even rivet to  your control panels too.

Notice that each one of these custom industrial anodized aluminium tags, unlike the emergency red buttons, have different words on them, as such, we can mix and match these however you wish with as much or little information as you require for your given application.

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As, essentially, each one of these custom industrial anodized aluminium tags are made one at a time, as well as etched one at a time, you can totally mix and match the sizes and shapes quite easily and hae all of that count as a “volume” order by

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The synergy between having different CNC platforms offers our customers incredible flexibility in production demands to turn their dream custom industrial anodized aluminium tags into reality.

Whether you want custom tags out of anodized aluminium or stainless or even lamacoids, can make them for you to your spec!

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The resolution of the engraving on these tags is incredibly tight, even very small text and highly detailed graphics, or even QR codes and bar codes, come out clear and useable without issue.

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Here’s what the tags look like after being laser cut and laser engraved by

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You’ll notice this production run wasn’t in the thousands, small quantities or large volumes are totally fine for, we make what you need when you need it at a price that is competitive considering all the processes required to make these custom industrial anodized aluminium tags.

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Need custom industrial anodized aluminium tags? Contact right now!