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5212-apalacian-stamp-x7-848x400 Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps

Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps has now, close to a decade of custom stamp manufacturing, from the 5212 self-inking stamps to completely custom stamps which we manufacture the solid base for regarding non-self-inking cousins.

By far our biggest seller at are the 5212 self-inking stamps, they are huge and thus, very versatile across a wide variety of different applications, from warehouse to office.

5212-apalacian-stamp-1 Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps

Trotec laser is a branch of Trodat, which is the largest stamp manufacturer in the world, and as such, every aspect of this stamp is optimized by them, laser to rubber, design software through mechanics of the 5212 self-inking stamps.

5212-apalacian-stamp-1 Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps

Regardless of the size of the stamp, self-inking or otherwise, manufactures it the same way, using our laser on Trodat rubber to produce it, then cleaning the results and shipping as/is or adhering to a manual or self-inking stamping mechanism.

5212-apalacian-stamp-1 Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps

Even intricate stamps come out great at, it does take a bit of practice though to get the results perfect, such as leaving enough dwell time on the stamp both touching the ink pad and on the surface that’s being printed, but once you got it, the results can be astonishing.

The dust you see accumulating around the engraving area is just vaporized rubber, it’s like a very thin powder that’s easily cleaned off both 5212 self-inking stamps, in this case, after production is complete.

5212-apalacian-stamp-1 Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps

The bright light you see in the photograph and the related video is not the laser, it’s the vaporization of the rubber, in other words, you are seeing the result of the 5212 self-inking stamps being made, not the laser making them.

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The nice thing about using a CNC machine to produce these two 5212 self-inking stamps is that they will be identical in every way, from first to thousandths, repeatability is absolutely no problem and just as accurate unit to unit, unlike hand carving these out one at a time.

5212-apalacian-stamp-1 Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps

Of course, multi-colored stamps is not a problem, the stamp itself is the same process, just the color of the ink pad changes.

Stamps can be made of any size and with any design elements you want, you have absolute creative flexibility with when it comes to producing the best stamp for your given application.

5212-apalacian-stamp-1 Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps

You can see on this piece of rubber in the laser, just how different in size the stamps are that we produce at for clients all over North America and the Caribbean.

5212-apalacian-stamp-1 Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps

At, we can also help you with the final design elements of your custom stamp, we don’t do logo design and those types of things but most of the stamps we produce at the shop are text based, with lines for information to be filled-out.

5212-apalacian-stamp-1 Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps

As an official distributor of Trodat stamps, can offer you the full range of their products, ink pads through stamping accessories.

After the first 5212 self-inking stamp was produced, I didn’t have room for such an enormous rubber stamp on the sheet I had cut the first one so I grabbed a new sheet to make more stamps with!

5212-apalacian-stamp-1 Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps

Like the first, the time of production and quality achieved is the same, CNC machines don’t get bored or tired of doing the same thing over and over again, regardless of the project at hand.

5212-apalacian-stamp-1 Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps

The reason why the stamps always look a bit rough during production is because of all that soot and vaporized rubber that settles back onto the stamp, it doesn’t affect the stamp in any way, it just builds-up and the true beauty of the 5212 self-inking stamps is only revealed after a thorough cleaning.

5212-apalacian-stamp-1 Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps

Now that I’m just about done both 5212 self-inking stamps, you can start to appreciate what can produce for you when it comes to all your custom stamping needs.

5212-apalacian-stamp-1 Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps

Through the years, the line of Trodat self-inking stamps has evolved, they now have more metal (for rigidity) in them but still stamp fantastically for a wide variety of applications.

The laser engraving of both 5212 self-inking stamps is done first because we want to make sure that nothing moves during production, has air shooting down from the head of the laser and an extraction system sucking air out of the machine at the same time, as such, if we cut out the stamp first then engraved it, it may move, which would produce a sub-par stamping result.

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Here are both finished 5212 self-inking stamps rubbers, other than the debris settled on the surface, they are both looking fantastic!

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After a cleaning, the beauty of the 5212 self-inking stamps rubbers is showcased rather nicely, only thing left to do is sticking them onto the bottom of the stamping mechanism and it’s all done and ready to ship!

5212-apalacian-stamp-1 Get Two Trodat 5212 Self-Inking Stamps

Here’s one final shot of the twin 5212 self-inking stamps before packing them up for another happy customer.

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Need a custom self-inking or regular ink pad stamp? Contact right now!