Happy Mother’s Day Acrylic Coaster
It was Mother’s Day a little while back, here are the Happy Mother’s Day acrylic coaster I made for mine at CNCROi.com.
We finished-up a big signage job using 3 mm acrylic as one of the elements in it (inlay) and was wondering what to do with what was left, Mother’s Day was coming-up so I put the two together.
Acrylic is a wonderful material for signage and coasters, it doesn’t get wet and as long as you keep int out of the Sun, good for a very long time. It also engraves wonderfully with our Austrian CNC Industrial Large Format Trotec Laser.
I also had some 6 mm (1/4 inch) in the shop but that would have been overkill. The engraving doubles as a non-suction device where the condensation flows into the grove and doesn’t cause an air pocked under a cold mug.
The results look great, we made a few in the shop but the real magic happens when you realize that this is semi-transparent, it adds a whole new level of detail to this relatively simple project.
As per my previous “material options” blog post the other day, there are more than enough possibilities for a wide variety of projects CNCROi.com can do for you as this could have just as easily been made out of wood, rubber, Delrin, 304 stainless steel, aluminium, Corian, Formica… the list goes on. Watch the video!
Coasters, Coasters & More Coasters!
We’ve done quite a number of coasters, from “simple” ones like the above out of acrylic to more complex ones for companies that include a sample of their material inside or as part of it. I’ll do-up a totally unrelated sample to show this on the blog later.

Cork Coaster

Tile Coaster

Aluminium Coaster!

Corian Coaster
Need some custom designed, engraved and cut coasters in any quantity? You’ve found CNCROi.com!