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leatherwaller-2 Laser Engraving Genuine Leather Wallets

Laser Engraving Genuine Leather Wallets

It has been a while since posted a video of some leather being engraved so here is one of a genuine leather wallet I gave to my dad and some other family members.

leatherwaller-3 Laser Engraving Genuine Leather Wallets

Once all the settings are optimized, it’s time to remove a layer off the leather – this is why synthetic leather is so hard to work with as it tends to melt in place from heat rather than vaporize. In those cases, we use our fiber laser source which does a better job than the CO2 we used in this leather engraving.

leatherwaller-3 Laser Engraving Genuine Leather Wallets

I did two leather wallets, one for my dad, the other for my nephew… the results came out great as usual. focuses on volume so one-offs aren’t something we generally take-on due to the costs involved so if you have a few dozen or thousands of personalized wallets waiting to be laser engraved with a corporate logo or if you come from a HUGE family, give us a shout!

leatherwaller-3 Laser Engraving Genuine Leather Wallets

This is what a genuine leather wallet looks like right after being laser engraved, there is a fine dust (leather that’s been vaporized) but once that’s removed, you have an incredibly sharp and permanent engraving that will last as long as the wallet and never wear out!

You can watch a video of the whole process below – the results you see are repeatable, precise and cost-effective when volumes are involved. These could have been leather pants, shoes and anything else made out of genuine leather by the way with similar results. Laser Engraving Genuine Leather Wallets