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brochure-2-848x400 New Brochure

New Brochure

When I first started, I made a simple brochure EXPLAINING all the stuff we can make but based on feedback from customers and visitors alike, I decided to take things to an even greater extreme when it comes to advertising my business in offline venues.

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It may be a little hard to visualize but this is a tri-fold brochure, so what you see on the far right on the top picture is actually the front with the Eiffel Tower being the back, the rest of the “pages” you see are inside the brochure.

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What do you notice? Well, there is no address, phone number or even email address!

I’m directing ALL the traffic to our website, you might think this is odd but we live in a new reality that’s very different from what my business was like over 20 years ago when I ran a 3D animation studio and web development business.

Do you know how many phone books is in? NONE!

Do you know how many customers have come to our shop over the past 4 years? I can count them with one hand!

How many of our customers “care” where we are located? NONE!

The reality of business nowadays is that people don’t read brochures, websites or even care where a business is located as long as they can do the job right!

This epiphanies really hit me hard when I went to a few trade shows for my other website, I’d hand them my brochure and the first question was “can you do X”… 9 times out of 10, it was WRITTEN in my brochure so I can show them a picture right away to answer their question.

Regardless of how awesome, huge or complex I make my brochure, people aren’t going to read it, they want to SEE what you do with your equipment, not the list of equipment you have nor where all the magic is happening.

When it came to making my new brochure, I decided to make it a picture gallery instead of just a listing of information because that helps to convey more than I can ever write.

Over 20 years ago, when you ran a business, you needed a 800#, a landline phone, a fax machine and courier services to send samples back and forth, now, literally ALL OF THIS can be performed online and as a bonus, you can actually chat with me realtime on my website if you have a project you need details sorted.

Things have changed tremendously and for, where it is now and where it’s going, there is no way a brochure will ever be as up to date and informative as my website, so I decided just to send people there as the sad reality is that as soon as a brochure is typically printed in the real world, the clock starts ticking towards it obsolescence.

What about the people who don’t have internet? How do they contact you?

They don’t, it’s that simple.

If you don’t have internet, how can I send you a digital proof to approve of the work you need done?

How do you evaluate different material or process options for your job?

How do you pay for the services renders to you?

The reality is that if you aren’t online now, there really isn’t very much we can make for you anyways with any degree of confidence going both ways.

If I would have tried to do this 20 much less 10 years ago, I think this concept of just sending offline people to an online portal would have gone badly, but things have changed, and I plan on focusing well into the future and making promotional offline material that conveys this is the best way for me to promote my business.

A little bit of background, if you would have asked me for my business card for the past 3 years, I would have given you a brochure, I don’t even print those anyways as I’ve found them pretty useless in my line of work and this hasn’t hurt my business in the slightest at networking events.

The TOP QUESTION I get from customers as soon as I give them my brochure is WHAT IS YOUR WEBSITE ADDRESS, which is why I have it all over the brochure, on literally every page, using samples but I’m sure people will keep asking me this, re-enforcing my concept of just having pictures with minimal text that people aren’t going to read anyways.

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