New Stainless Steel Business Card Bottle Opener
Just got in my shipment of custom cut Stainless Steel Business Card Bottle Opener blanks, I flew through my other inventory and decided it was time to build-up and expand our offerings even more for our customers. Suffice it to say, the postman has gotten a good workout making deliveries to the shop over the past few weeks!

Stainless Steel Business Card Bottle Opener
Looking at our metal offerings, we are probably one of the biggest “engravers” Canada in what we can provide our clients on both making custom metal blanks (which we then CNC fiber laser mark or anneal) and the production volumes we can handle in-house.
When I first started, one of my goals was to expand as quickly as possible into the metal marking field. Why? First, it’s a wonderful break from all the wood we fly through but secondly, metal is just a wonderful material to shape, texture and play with. It’s available in endless varieties, compositions and it’s a very strong material.
I’ve invested heavily in making sure our Austrian CNC laser is optimized for metal, using a very stable and consistent fiber laser tube, focusing on getting top-tier suppliers who produce quality inventory for us and most importantly, making sure our “metal clients” are 100% satisfied with our work. You can’t jump into this field using a 10K machine bought from China, you need a fiber tube, fiber lens (it does wonders in the area of tolerances!) and a flat & square large format production bed.

A jig… already out of date and since replaced for more efficient production!
To make things efficient and cost-effective, I keep on playing around with different jig materials and layouts, the one above is a large project we did recently and I’ve further optimized things since then to fit even more 304 stainless steel tags. There are a lot of “tricks of the trade” that must be taken into account as each metal requires slightly different CNC laser settings for the best results.
It’s astonishing looking back at how many years I’ve been in the manufacturing industry, first producing Canada’s largest industrial database website almost 20 years ago (Industrial Source Book’s first online presence) to offering industrial 3D animation services to companies around the world. I’ve visited more shop floors than I can count – and it never gets boring! – and really enjoy working in this sector.
Metal isn’t all we do!
I know the last few blog posts have been heavy on the metal side, don’t worry, we do work for a number of other verticals from mill workers (wood, formica, laminates etc.) to corporate gifting options (custom designed plaques out of acrylic, mirror, bamboo etc.).
As mentioned before, I have yet to find a business we can’t help – the challenge is in finding clients who have enough resources and foresight to see how partnering-up with us can help improve their bottom line.
CNCs are amazing tools to create ROI (return on investment) across an organization… it’s finding the best opportunity that maxes this out the most that takes a little digging and creativity.

Metal laminate never looked so good… or so cleanly cut and engraved using our Austrian Trotec Speedy 400 flexx CNC laser!
Oh yeah, if you look at the bottom of the picture of the Stainless Steel Business Card Bottle Opener at the top of this blog article, you’ll notice a round hole. That’s so it fits on your key chain! We think of everything here!
Order yours today for your company, whether you need a dozen annealed with your corporate logo or a thousand marked by next week. can do it!