Your success is our success!
Put our top quality equipment to use for your custom project!
wp_20151202_08_30_07_pro Speaking @ IIDex Toronto etc...

Speaking @ IIDex Toronto etc…

The move to our new shop went very smooth, got the power set-up for industrial production, have room to move around and best of all, the next day, it was flooded with new contracts!

Sorry, no pictures due to the proprietary nature of the work and client but we have material up to the rafters that we’ll be clearing out over the next few weeks as the project gets done.

wp_20151202_08_30_07_pro Speaking @ IIDex Toronto etc...

In the middle of the move, I also had the opportunity to speak at the IIDEX 2015 conference in downtown Toronto. It was a very good showing, about 80 people attended my one hour presentation contrasting the differences between production CNC types that we use on a regular basis here at

It was great spending time with designers, architects and fabricators to share knowledge about the power of CNC equipment in a production environment.

wp_20151202_08_30_07_pro Speaking @ IIDex Toronto etc...

About a week before that, I spent the day in Oakville exhibiting some of the possibilities that can provide clients of all backgrounds. Again, the vast majority of our work is under NDA so all the displays have my company name on them. Any pictures taken at any angle, you got it, they know where it came from!

What’s astonishing to me is that everything on that table short for the Eiffel Tower that I designed and the big signs, all fit in my sample suitcase. I made them all fit perfectly and generally give some of this stuff away to promising prospects as I always have more ideas regarding stuff we can do and offer.

The shop is still full of stuff in boxes and the like, so give me about a week to clear some stuff out (including projects) then I can begin filming stuff again. The new digs are awesome, will be fun and it’s a great way to start a new year in a few weeks.

Thanks again to all our clients, without them, I never could have moved to a place 3x bigger than our previous location in a little over a year from opening shop… it’s only the beginning!