Wall Lettering & Signage
Need some professional, sharp and accurate wall lettering or signage? CNCROi.com can do that… and then some! As with most things in the shop, I had some scrap that was the right dimension to make myself a sign after making many of them for other customers.
I wanted this one to be different though, a mix of wood and acrylic, so the first step was cutting out the acrylic (this is where the wall lettering comes into play, as what’s not needed for the sign can be used on the wall).
As this is acrylic, we used our acrylic bed to make sure we don’t have flashbacks which is heated metal from the CNC laser bed itself melting the acrylic along the edges.
The dimensions of the scrap acrylic were already perfect so all I had to do was engrave and then cut it with our logo.
We’ve developed a good flow for making signs that are strong and as high contrast as you want. In this case, we used 3 mm thick acrylic for the back with another 3 mm layer above it (seen in the above picture) so that there was a slight offset.
Generally, we’d add another few layers of material making the sign significantly stronger but as this was just for the shop using scrap, putting it on the wall using so little material was fine. The sign is almost a meter long by the way.
Here’s another angle of the cutting pass, there is lots of acrylic dust on the sign at the moment which is why the engraving looks “white” but that’s easily washed off.
We’ll soon be in need of a new acrylic table, this one has done lots of work and it’s starting to show! Now it’s time to do the contrasting material, in this case, laminated MDF from a shelf backing that was an extra during renovations. Like I mentioned earlier, CNCROi.com can use just about any material for your signage, even Corian if you wished or Formica!
As this isn’t part of the sign, the letters are squished together for optimal material usage, never know when we’ll need some more of this material for another project!
There was some not-so-nice stuff along the edges and some slight damage so all the lettering was concentrated in the center around it. Generally we’d use masking for wood but in this case, I wanted the “smoky” sides to be part of the sign.
Next step, gluing one into the other and adding in Chicago screws to keep everything together.
The end result looks great! It now sits on a shelf next to our CNC laser rotary kit, which I’m long overdue to do a demo of here on the CNCROi.com blog.
There you have it, how the CNCROi.com sign was made! Watch the video.
Back to wall lettering
Wall lettering (like signage) can be made to any scale within our custom CNC shop for branding purposes for any room or event. Our wall lettering is a bit different from what you traditionally see though done in vinyl or paint (we can make stencils if you want to spray btw).
At CNCROi.com, we focus on making an impact and that means having standout lettering, where vinyl is less than a mm thick, ours can be up to 12 mm (material depending) and in a host of materials from wood to acrylic, formica to stainless steel cutouts! Want your signage made out of Corian for outdoor (or indoor) use, that’s no problem either, that’s one of the many applications our CNC router can handle.
The nice thing about CNCROi.com lettering is YOU choose the material, we can help you with the design and the finished product is nicely flame polished (acrylics) or high-contrasting wood (lasers burn edges on wood as a freebie).
Wall lettering can be used on other things than walls too, from doors and windows to tables and custom fixtures (we design that too). Taking things one step further is signage, again, we can make this out of any material to suit your budget and timelines.
Send us a message for your signage needs.

If you look closely, you can see a little glue around the hole in the R coming-up. That’s easily wiped away, the tolerances are tight!