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Category: CNC Router
Making a custom portrait carving of myself was a great first project to learn how to properly apply this technology for clients well into the future, if you want to get good at something, do a lot of it, and...
It has taken a long while but I finally got things set-up at to produce full on 3D carving using the various machines we have in the shop. You can find it at As with everything at,... needed a custom guitar clock in the shop, so I booted-up our CNC plasma and CNC router and made one so when I'm away from the computer, I can still see what time it is. The metal aspect...
Custom gratitude sign made out of furniture grade plywood was made for a corporate office to hold-up a information board by For this specific sign, we made it using 3/4" 19 mm thick plywood because we needed a...
Custom resin inlays can be CNC routered out of any material, in this case, we did two examples in Black Walnut serving boards. has two CNC routers, a little ShopBot Desktop and a larger ShopBot PRSAlpha full sheet...
My plywood log cabin bird house design is now complete, it took 3 phases of prototyping and design modifications to produce but the final results look amazing and I can now CNC an infinite amount of them at
Creating a custom bird house prototype takes several stages, generally though, they are in 3s, the first, is just make it and see how it goes together, the second is refinement of the design, tool pathing through construction methods and...
A custom bird house is a great way to lessen the number of bugs in your yard and provide a welcome shelter for the local bird population. One of the first projects I did a long time ago when...
Metal looking painted MDF signage is a great workaround from the costs of using real metal for your interior signage, it does have limitations that should be kept first of mind though. The biggest drawback from using painted MDF...
Whenever possible, tries to reuse material, in this case, it's reclaimed MDF to make a table template. As mentioned, the hardware store was going to throw this 3/4" 19 mm thick MDF in the garbage but I rescued...
Flat kitchen countertops are just one of the many uses employs our full sheet CNC router to accomplish, these end-up not only clean and flat but also parallel across the whole board with zero deviation in height. Flat...
Although can make a custom growth ruler out of literally any material, today we'll make one using just some slabs of Black Walnut and our CNC laser for a customer, in this case, they will finish and paint to...
Using my logo to make a custom paint filled sign works great using my CNC router, this Corian dimensional carving too many steps to achieve but you'll see most of those in today's blog post. In order to... uses our CNC cleaner to both flatten and clean-up live edge and MDF sacrificial boards, it does a wonderful job as you'll see. It's pretty impressive how wonderful our full sheet CNC router is when it comes to...