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jon-640x400 Relaunched Relaunched

I’ve been spending the past few days rebuilding, which is the company I ran before very much putting all my attention and resources on

I’ve extremely proud of how I spent the previous 10 years of my life before starting, traveling all around the world, living abroad and running that site that became at its time, the largest site of its kind on the internet. was way ahead of it’s time, sort of like is now, it was the first site to use the power of 3D animation to show people how things go together, the first site to sell digital files online that actually worked and provided me with a great income for years and years before I shut it down a year and a half ago.

Sometimes when you have a business that’s a decade old, the best thing you can do is literally throw everything away and forget about it… and if it never leaves your mind… rebuilt it using modern technology, modern thinking and a clear mind.

Truth be told, I never threw the site away, I just transferred the thousand plus blog articles and hundreds of items into the “model kit” section of which in hindsignt, literally saved me months of work as at the time, I very much moved on… good thing!

Anyways, the site is dramatically more streamlined, it makes far more sense to have that entire business on it’s own site, has grown so dramatically over the past 4 years and all that “old business” was literally lost.

Suffice it to write, there is A LOT of updates needed in the content but unlike previously, I’m in no rush and it’s mostly all my designs there other than my friend David Newman’s and that’s how I see it staying for a very long time.

It’s great being the CNCKing again!

Check it out, top right of the menu bar.