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nature-scenery-x9-848x400 Nature Scenery Plaque: CNC Laser Engraved Pine

Nature Scenery Plaque: CNC Laser Engraved Pine

When it comes to a custom nature scenery plaque, can fabricate it out of wood, plastic or metal to any size, shape or material thickness you want with any design or font style of your choosing.

The absolute endless diversity of nature scenery plaque options we can offer due to our on-demand approach towards custom fabrications means just about any theme can be accommodated.

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So if turtles in a pond are more to your liking over deer in a mountainside, then the process is essentially the same at our end, it’s just what our wide-format industrial CNC laser is engraving that changes.

nature-scenery-1 Nature Scenery Plaque: CNC Laser Engraved Pine

Here’s an example of paint filled pine after it has been laser engraved, we can do the same using our CNC router, it all depends on the spec of your drawing and requirements.

The purpose of the weight you see on the images is to hold the board down during the cutting process as it’s literally hanging-out of the machine and can tip over.

nature-scenery-1 Nature Scenery Plaque: CNC Laser Engraved Pine

What I want you to notice is that the grain follows through in the laser engraved areas of the Pine but is just a little darker, unlike paint, this is a wonderful effect that’s only possible using high precision machinery and you just don’t get this with our CNC router.

nature-scenery-1 Nature Scenery Plaque: CNC Laser Engraved Pine can also make custom house number signs using Pine specifically, it’s easy to paint fill and work with using a variety of processes.

Pine is a wonderful material to work with both machine and finishing wise, it’s a light color which means the contrast produced by our industrial Austrian wide-format CNC laser is fantastic, it’s a softwood so sanding is quickly done and our CNC router bits don’t dull and best of all, it soaks-up varnish and other finishing quite easily.

nature-scenery-1 Nature Scenery Plaque: CNC Laser Engraved Pine

Pine is also very light weight and at thickness, pretty strong, which is a great combination when it comes to nature scenery plaques and other small work so our clients can easily affix it to the wall without worrying about having to get things into a wall stud.

nature-scenery-1 Nature Scenery Plaque: CNC Laser Engraved Pine

Here’s a family cottage converted from photo to laser engraved pyrography and it looks fantastic, I really love this so much! has a huge inventory of live edge boards as well, so if you prefer to have your nature scenery made out of live edge Tulip, Sycamore, Oak, Walnut or whatever, let us know and we can accommodate you without any problem – I’ll be posting pictures of our inventory in a few weeks as we are busy expanding at the moment in between jobs we are doing for customers across North America.

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You’ll notice that doesn’t cut any corners when we are laser engraving our custom nature scenery plaques, we don’t just engrave them once but up to 3 times!

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Want a custom beer opener using Pine or any other wood species? No problem for!

The first pass by is used to break through the tougher surface and produce some depth, the second pass is to darken the wood and a third pass darkens it further and mellows out the grain in the Pine to produce even better contrast.

nature-scenery-1 Nature Scenery Plaque: CNC Laser Engraved Pine

Depending on the nature scenery plaque we are making, we might perform additional passes to produce the absolute best plaque possible for our customers as we know the client wants this on their wall for centuries to come and a bit more time by us NOW will pay huge dividends for them in the future.

nature-scenery-1 Nature Scenery Plaque: CNC Laser Engraved Pine

When it comes to pyrography, Pine is a wonderful choice as it’s very easy to work with across the board from raw board to finished product.

The reason why we perform so many passes on our nature scenery plaques and general wood signage, though it uses a lot more machine time and costs more, is because WE CAN!

nature-scenery-1 Nature Scenery Plaque: CNC Laser Engraved Pine

Any machine can laser engrave once but not many can laser engrave repeatedly at the same spot with absolute precision, and our machine is accurate within 5 nanometers which means that we can count on the laser engraving being at the same spot time after time!

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Pine can also be converted to useful items for use around the office or home, like custom pencil holders, business card holders and anything else you can come-up with for to manufacture for you.

As performs multiple passes on this nature scenery plaque, there is more and more fire produced, that’s because the process of converting gasses and resins into a charcoal bottom absorbs and more laser energy using a wider beam which means less “pin point accuracy” and more contrast.

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After this nature scenery is laser engraved to our spec, it’s time to cut it out of the 3/4″ or 18 mm thick Pine board, notice the grain goes upwards rather than sideways, I thought it would look better this way as your eyes follow the bottom of the plaque upwards, the grain should also follow this pattern.

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Pine can be used for more than just custom plaques, we can make custom stamps out of it too!

Like laser engraving, the cutting processes produces highly localized fire that shoots down through the board, you have to remember where are using a high-powered laser with compressed air so we end-up with an upside down fire under the board as it cuts through.

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This Pine board did have two knots on an other wise completely clear surface so I decided to orient the laser engraving to dodge a bit one which you see on the bottom image and incorporate a very small one on the right of the nature scenery plaque.

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The design you come-up with for to laser engrave is totally up to you, we’ve yet had a design that didn’t work well, wood is just such an accommodating material!

The finished results from the laser engraving process look fantastic, some customers like the smoky look but for this we will sand this off, the reason I didn’t use any masking on this job was because there really isn’t much being laser engraved relative to the entire surface, as a result, it’s just easier to sand than mask and then peel it off.

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The laser cutting process made the board perfect to spec, there was no additional cutting required to liberate this amazing nature scenery plaque from the Pine board we used for this project.

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After sanding, you can see how amazing the finished nature scenery looks, I really love the design the client sent to us, it works wonderfully with this project and the material at hand.

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Want a custom made nature scenery or any other kind of wooden plaque, contact right now!