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wood-cottage-sign-x8-848x400 Wood Cottage Sign: Butternut Live Edge to Finished

Wood Cottage Sign: Butternut Live Edge to Finished

Wood cottage sign made by using Butternut live edge has a very rich and beautiful light brown color that’s similar to Oak but with a clearer grain.

Of course, if you prefer something out of metal, we can make that too.

Now’s the summer season and that means it’s custom wood cottage sign time, whether you have a new cottage or an old one needing a refresh, can help make that old and worn sign look like new.

wood-cottage-sign-1 Wood Cottage Sign: Butternut Live Edge to Finished

Like our other woodwork, we mostly start-off from live edge, in this case live edge kiln dried Butternut which is a fantastic wood to work with, it produces a very rich brown when laser engraved and this wood has a wonderful feel and presence to it.

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You can see the toughed-up surface of the live edge (cut square edges before kiln drying) what it looks like before in the picture above and after in the picture below, just wonderfully beautiful grain!

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Ash is a wonderful custom cottage sign material to work with but it’s really heavy so you need to make sure you have something strong to stick it on, unlike Cedar, it will need to be screwed into the wall or very well supported.

After cleaning-up the whole Butternut board using the planner, it’s time to cut it to size for this custom wood cottage sign, removing the rough edge of the plank then cutting the piece to spec.

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I have a 12″ chop saw and it does a great job saving me tons of time in the shop when it comes to working with dimensional lumber to make something at a size perfect for the projects has at hand for our customers.

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As always, it doesn’t really matter where I end-up cutting wood, dimensional lumber or live edge at, there is always going to be a knot somewhere on it.

wood-cottage-sign-1 Wood Cottage Sign: Butternut Live Edge to Finished

Cedar works fantastic for custom wood signage as well, pretty light weight, wonderful contrast and smells great though this will be lost after sealing the wood.

Now that this piece of Butternut is finished being cut to size, the next step is finding the center point by just using a regular ruler and making a line corner to corner until I have dead center.

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The nice thing about laser engraving a custom wood cottage sign is that we can essentially use any combination of font size or type and imagery (black and white vector is best) to make the signage your very own.

wood-cottage-sign-1 Wood Cottage Sign: Butternut Live Edge to Finished has made lots of custom signage, metal through plastic and a ton of different wood varieties, so we are very flexible when it comes to what size you want to suit the budget and application you need it for.

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Want something huge or paint filled? can do that too, in this case, Cherry live edge that’s laser engraved then paint filled to perfection.

When it comes to custom signage, your options are as endless as the material choices offers you and we can also help you with the design process so you don’t need to be a design wiz to get a high quality personalized custom wood cottage sign!

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The Butternut may look a little rough around the edges but that’s only because I haven’t sanded it yet, the extensive sanding will happen after the laser engraving process as I need to remove the stains and smoke that build-up on the surface.

wood-cottage-sign-1 Wood Cottage Sign: Butternut Live Edge to Finished

In the image below, you can also see my center point that I used to make sure that the laser engraving performed on this custom Butternut wood cottage sign was perfectly places, overkill maybe, but quality work is more fun than headaches down the line.

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Maple is a wonderful material for custom cottage signage, it’s very hard, has a nice heavy weight to it and the finishing is unreal once done.

There is something about palm trees that I never get tired of laser engraving, they just look great due to their shape on just about any wood species I get the honor to engrave onto for our customers.

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Of course, I want to produce a high contrast custom Butternut wood cottage sign, and that means doing several passes on the wood to achieve a dark charcoal look, as no paint was used in this sign, it means there is nothing to flake, peel or crack over time.

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Poplar is also a wonderful wood species to make custom wood signage for cottages out of, it’s a lighter color wood, light weight and produces a nice contrast with our CNC laser.

I just love how this sign has come out, you can see there is minimal smoke deposition around the laser engraved area and now we are ready to do a nice clean-up job on this wood cottage sign to really make it pop.

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I’ve probably done more sanding than any other task at and I still love doing it, it’s when all the hard work and planning finally comes to fruition and the beauty of the final piece come into its own.

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Of course, I like to add a bit of flare to the signage I make and started adding 45 degree chamfer along the edges (upon customer approval of course) because they just add a bit more visuals to the finished wooden signage.

wood-cottage-sign-1 Wood Cottage Sign: Butternut Live Edge to Finished works with any language you want as well, want your sign in French, Chinese or any other, no problem either!

After some finishing, this custom wood cottage sign that was born from a piece of live edge is now finished and it looks absolutely stunning!

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It’s so great to be able to be in a position to make really beautiful signage for our customers, it’s really something that will be shared with family and friends for years to come.

wood-cottage-sign-1 Wood Cottage Sign: Butternut Live Edge to Finished

Want a custom wood cottage sign made out of Maple, Poplar, Butternut, Cedar or anything else?

Contact right now!